5 Common Marathon Training Mistakes
Training for a marathon (or even a half-marathon) is challenging, both physically and mentally. Here are 5 Common Marathon Training Mistakes you can learn from those who’ve gone before you!
Cold Weather Running Tips
Winter is just around the corner and the cold weather is here to stay, but that doesn’t mean you have to set aside running until it warms up!
Running Your First 5K: Tips for Beginners and 8-Week Training Plan
Are you thinking of running a 5K? A 5K is 5 kilometers (or 3.1 miles) and is a great first distance for beginners!
Running for Beginner’s: 10 Tips to Get Started
Running may seem simple and long-time runners make it look easy, but there’s a lot to learn if you want to progress safely, avoid injury, and enjoy the process. Here are 10 tips to get started!